How much does it cost to make a baby — A Visual Guide.

Nina Haglund
Published in
1 min readMar 16, 2018


At Orderly, we have a lot of users who are interested in the topics of sexual health and family planning. In my previous infographic, I tried to provide a comprehensive look at options for birth control. This time, I’m going the opposite direction: when you’re no longer trying to postpone having a baby, but actively looking to create one, there’s a lot you should know about the costs. This should be a good place to start.

As always, we recommend you sign up for Orderly Health to get free, round-the-clock advice from our bot Louie (and our helpful team of experts).

Okay, enough from me. BABIES!

Nina is a UX/UI designer at Orderly Health. Feel free to email your thoughts or comments to



Product Designer. Passionate about inclusivity, getting outside, eating too much, and loud music. Harsh critic of people who don't like sweets.